How to say Children in Italian?
What does Bambini mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Children is translated in Italian by...
I bambini (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ma quelli sono per bambini!
But those are for children!
But those are for children!
Voi baderete ai bambini.
You will watch over the children.
You will watch over the children.
I tuoi bambini vanno già a scuola?
Do your children go to school yet?
Do your children go to school yet?
I bambini vogliono sapere tutto.
Children want to know everything.
Children want to know everything.
Lei ha insegnato musica ai bambini.
You taught music to the children.
You taught music to the children.
I bambini hanno giocato tutto il giorno.
The children played all day.
The children played all day.
I bambini devono conoscere l'alfabeto.
Children have to know their alphabet.
Children have to know their alphabet.
I bambini mangeranno ciambelle fresche.
The children will eat fresh donuts.
The children will eat fresh donuts.
I bambini devono aspettare nel parco.
The children have to wait in the park.
The children have to wait in the park.
I bambini si ricorderanno questo viaggio.
The children will remember this trip.
The children will remember this trip.
I bambini si stanno divertendo in piscina.
The children are having fun in the pool.
The children are having fun in the pool.
I bambini stanno soffiando bolle di sapone nel parco.
The children are blowing bubbles in the park.
The children are blowing bubbles in the park.
I bambini si divertono quando stanno nel parco giochi.
The children have fun when they are on the playground.
The children have fun when they are on the playground.
Tu penserai ai tuoi bambini mentre guarderai le immagini.
You will think about your children while looking at the pictures.
You will think about your children while looking at the pictures.
Lei compra una sorpresa ai bambini. Lei gli compra una sorpresa.
She buys a surprise to the children. She buys a surprise to them.
She buys a surprise to the children. She buys a surprise to them.
Io sto permettendo ai bambini di giocare fuori per altri 30 minuti.
I am allowing the children to play outside for another 30 minutes.
I am allowing the children to play outside for another 30 minutes.
I bambini scuotono i regali di Natale per indovinare cosa c'è dentro.
The children shake the Christmas presents to guess what is inside.
The children shake the Christmas presents to guess what is inside.
Io ho fatto dei biscotti per i bambini. Io gli ho fatto dei biscotti.
I made some cookies for the children. I made some cookies for them.
I made some cookies for the children. I made some cookies for them.
Be', è principalmente per bambini, ma in questo modo è molto più facile da capire.
Well, it is mainly for children, but it's much easier to understand this way.
Well, it is mainly for children, but it's much easier to understand this way.
More Example Sentences.
La mia sorellina guarda un programma per bambini in TV.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
My little sister watches a children's show on TV.
La cameriera parte e torna con un bel menu per bambini con giochi e disegni.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.
Johana e Harry hanno rapidamente creato un'attività in proprio, un laboratorio ricreativo per bambini.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business, a recreational workshop for children.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business, a recreational workshop for children.