How to say Christmas in German?
What does Weihnachten mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Christmas is translated in German by...
Weihnachten (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Letztes Weihnachten haben wir viele herrliche Geschenke gehabt.
Last Christmas, we had many wonderful presents.
Last Christmas, we had many wonderful presents.
Es gibt Geschenke unter dem Weihnachtsbaum.
There are gifts under the Christmas tree.
There are gifts under the Christmas tree.
Ihr werdet mich während der Weihnachtsferien anrufen.
You will call me during the Christmas vacation.
You will call me during the Christmas vacation.
Er gibt seiner kleinen Schwester ein Weihnachtsgeschenk.
He is giving a Christmas gift to his little sister.
He is giving a Christmas gift to his little sister.
Die Kinder schütteln die Weihnachtsgeschenke, um zu erraten, was drin ist.
The children shake the Christmas gifts to guess what's inside.
The children shake the Christmas gifts to guess what's inside.