How to say Clean in Spanish?
What does Limpio mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Clean is translated in Spanish by...
Limpio (m) / Limpia (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Los zapatos están limpios.
The shoes are clean.
The shoes are clean.
Tú tendrás un auto limpio.
You will have a clean car.
You will have a clean car.
Hay muchos platos limpios en el lavaplatos.
There are a lot of clean dishes in the dishwasher.
There are a lot of clean dishes in the dishwasher.
More Example Sentences.
No es muy grande ni muy limpio, pero será suficiente para esta noche.
It is not very big nor very clean, but it will be enough for tonight.
It is not very big nor very clean, but it will be enough for tonight.
Los gatos son animales muy limpios.
Cats are very clean animals.
Cats are very clean animals.