How to say Cloud in German?

What does Wolke mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Cloud” in German? What is the meaning of “Wolke”?

Cloud is translated in German by...

Die Wolke (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Und keine Wolke am Himmel!
And not a cloud in the sky!
Eine Wolke zieht vor die Sonne.
A cloud passes in front of the sun.
Ihr werdet heute Nachmittag die Wolken anschauen.
You will look at the clouds this afternoon.

More Example Sentences.

Ich würde durch die Wolken fliegen.
I would fly through the clouds.
Da ist keine einzige Wolke am Himmel.
There isn't a single cloud in the sky.


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Sky Vocabulary in German.