How to say Clown in Spanish?
What does Payaso mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Clown is translated in Spanish by...
El payaso (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
El payaso retirado.
The retired clown.
The retired clown.
¡Un payaso deprimido!
A depressed clown!
A depressed clown!
Alguna vez fui un payaso.
I was a clown once.
I was a clown once.
Es el payaso de la televisión.
It's that clown from TV.
It's that clown from TV.
La gente sólo parece ver al payaso en mí.
People only seem to see the clown in me.
People only seem to see the clown in me.
Pero supongo que siempre seré Bingo el payaso.
But I guess I will always be Bingo the clown.
But I guess I will always be Bingo the clown.
Solía tener mi propio programa de televisión llamado: Bingo el payaso.
I used to have my own television show called: Bingo the clown.
I used to have my own television show called: Bingo the clown.