How to say Cold in German?
What does Kalt mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Cold is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Es ist kalt.
It's cold.
It's cold.
Heute ist es kälter als gestern.
Today is colder than yesterday.
Today is colder than yesterday.
Der Schnee ist sehr kalt.
The snow is very cold.
The snow is very cold.
Wirklich? War das Wasser nicht zu kalt?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Sie mag kaltes Wasser ohne Eis.
She likes cold water without ice.
She likes cold water without ice.
Ich möchte dieses kalte Wasser trinken.
I would like to drink this cold water.
I would like to drink this cold water.
Es war zu kalt, um das Haus zu verlassen.
It was too cold to leave the house.
It was too cold to leave the house.
Mir würde nicht kalt sein, wenn ich einen Mantel hätte.
I wouldn't be cold, if I had a coat on.
I wouldn't be cold, if I had a coat on.
Ich habe mich dem Kamin genähert, weil mir kalt war.
I moved closer to the fireplace, because I was cold.
I moved closer to the fireplace, because I was cold.
Du würdest zittern, wenn das Wasser des Pools kalt wäre.
You would tremble if the water of the pool were cold.
You would tremble if the water of the pool were cold.
Da es zu kalt zum Skifahren war, bin ich in den Skiort gegangen.
Since it was too cold to ski, I went in the ski resort.
Since it was too cold to ski, I went in the ski resort.
Wenn das Wetter nicht so kalt wäre, würde sie aus dem Haus herauskommen.
If the weather weren't so cold, she would come out of the house.
If the weather weren't so cold, she would come out of the house.
Wenn das Wasser nicht so kalt wäre, würden sie ins Schwimmbecken springen.
If the water weren't so cold, they would jump in the swimming pool.
If the water weren't so cold, they would jump in the swimming pool.
More Example Sentences.
Mama gießt kaltes Wasser auf meinen Kopf.
Mom pours cold water on my head.
Mom pours cold water on my head.
Wir sind nun gezwungen, vor dem Kamin zu bleiben, weil es im Rest des Hauses sehr kalt ist.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.
Damit uns nicht kalt wird, versammelt sich die ganze Familie zusammen im Wohnzimmer vor dem Feuer.
In order not to get cold, we get the whole family together in the living room, in front of the fire.
In order not to get cold, we get the whole family together in the living room, in front of the fire.