How to say Cold in Italian?
What does Freddo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Cold is translated in Italian by...
Freddo (m) / Fredda (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La neve è molto fredda.
The snow is very cold.
The snow is very cold.
Fa freddo.
It's cold.
It's cold.
Davvero? L'acqua non era un po' troppo fredda?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Really? Wasn't the water too cold?
Tu ti fai la doccia con acqua fredda.
You shower (yourself) with cold water.
You shower (yourself) with cold water.
A lei piace l'acqua fredda senza ghiaccio.
She likes cold water without (any) ice.
She likes cold water without (any) ice.
Se l'acqua della piscina fosse fredda, tu tremeresti.
If the water of the pool were cold, you would tremble.
If the water of the pool were cold, you would tremble.
Se mi fossi messa un cappotto, non sentirei freddo.
If I had a coat on, I wouldn't be cold.
If I had a coat on, I wouldn't be cold.
Se l'acqua non fosse così fredda, loro salterebbero nella piscina.
If the water weren't so cold, they would jump in the pool.
If the water weren't so cold, they would jump in the pool.
Io mi sono avvicinato al camino perché avevo freddo.
I moved closer to the fireplace, because I was cold.
I moved closer to the fireplace, because I was cold.
More Example Sentences.
È ora di andare a scuola. Ma sono stanco, non voglio andare a scuola. La mamma mi versa acqua fredda sulla testa.
It's time to go to school. But I'm tired, I don't want to go to school. Mom pours cold water on my head.
It's time to go to school. But I'm tired, I don't want to go to school. Mom pours cold water on my head.
Ora siamo costretti a stare davanti al camino perché fa molto freddo nel resto della casa.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.