How to say Comic in German?
What does Comic mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Comic is translated in German by...
Der Comic (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Wie wäre es mit Comic-Büchern?
How about comic books?
How about comic books?
Bei Comic-Büchern kannst du oft die Geschichte anhand der Bilder verstehen.
With comic books you can often understand the story with the pictures.
With comic books you can often understand the story with the pictures.
More Example Sentences.
Ich lese nur Comics.
I only read comic books.
I only read comic books.
Ich lese ein Comic.
I am reading a comic book.
I am reading a comic book.
Er hat viele Comics in seinem Zimmer.
He has a lot of comic books in his room.
He has a lot of comic books in his room.