How to say Comics in Italian?
What does Fumetti mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Comics is translated in Italian by...
I fumetti (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Magari dei fumetti?
How about comic books?
How about comic books?
Con i fumetti, spesso puoi capire la storia dalle immagini.
With comic books, you can often understand the story with the pictures.
With comic books, you can often understand the story with the pictures.
More Example Sentences.
Ho molti fumetti.
I have a lot of comics.
I have a lot of comics.
Ho letto solo fumetti.
I only read comic books.
I only read comic books.
Mio fratello ha molti fumetti nella sua stanza.
My brother has a lot of comic books in his room.
My brother has a lot of comic books in his room.