How to say Computer in French?
What does Ordinateur mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Computer is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I fix computers.

I fixed the computer.

She has a new laptop computer.

Each student has his own computer.

She bought a new computer for work.

You take your coffee in front of your computer.

You were using my computer to play games.

I am showing my mother how to use her computer.

I am calling because I need help with my computer.

She is listening to music on her laptop computer.

Be careful with my computer. Be careful with it.

You always bring your laptop computer in the park.

She prefers to use her laptop computer to study.

I would have finished my work, but my computer is broken.

This computer is perfect for the ones who love games.

I love to work on the beach with my laptop computer.

You would hate your computer if it kept crashing like that.

In my dream, I was flying over the city on my laptop computer.

He would throw his laptop computer on the ground, but he doesn't want to break it.
More Example Sentences.

The rebel computer.

Shutting down computer.

Computers make our decisions.

My computer knows what is right for me.

Our computers say that it's for our own good.

After all, my computer knows what is right for me.

After all, computers know what's right for us.

I am one of the best computers of this generation.

Computers know and understand what is right for us.

I am glad my computer knows what is right for me.

I take this opportunity to play video games on my computer.

I don't really know her, but I'm sure my computer is right.

Our computers also decide what we eat and they prepare our food.

Last week, my computer told me I need to marry my neighbor Sara.