How to say Computer in German?
What does Computer mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Computer is translated in German by...
Der Computer (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich repariere Computer.
I repair computers.
I repair computers.
Der Computer ist ihrer.
This computer is hers.
This computer is hers.
Ich habe den Computer repariert.
I repaired the computer.
I repaired the computer.
Lern(e), anstatt Computer zu spielen!
Study instead of playing on the computer!
Study instead of playing on the computer!
Ihr lernt Deutsch mithilfe eurer Computer.
You are learning German with your computer.
You are learning German with your computer.
Ihr benutztet meinen Computer, um Spiele zu spielen.
You were using my computer to play games.
You were using my computer to play games.
Ich rufe an, weil ich Hilfe bei meinem Computer brauche.
I am calling because I need help with my computer.
I am calling because I need help with my computer.
Ich zeige meiner Mutter, wie sie ihren Computer bedient.
I am showing my mother how to use her computer.
I am showing my mother how to use her computer.
Du würdest es hassen, wenn dein Computer dauernd so abstürzen würde.
You would hate it, if your computer kept breaking like that.
You would hate it, if your computer kept breaking like that.
More Example Sentences.
Der Rebell-Computer.
The rebel computer.
The rebel computer.
Computer treffen unsere Entscheidungen.
Computers make our decisions.
Computers make our decisions.
Mein Computer weiß, was richtig für mich ist.
My computer knows what is right for me.
My computer knows what is right for me.
Unsere Computer sagen, dass es zu unserem Besten sei.
Our computers say that it's for our own good.
Our computers say that it's for our own good.
Schließlich wissen Computer, was richtig für uns ist.
After all, computers know what's right for us.
After all, computers know what's right for us.
Wir stimmen jetzt für unser Lieblings-Computerprogramm.
We now vote for our favorite computer program.
We now vote for our favorite computer program.
Ich bin einer der besten Computer dieser Generation.
I am one of the best computers of this generation.
I am one of the best computers of this generation.
Startknopf … Computer ausschalten … Auf Wiedersehen.
Power button... Shutting down computer... Goodbye.
Power button... Shutting down computer... Goodbye.
Immerhin weiß mein Computer, was richtig für mich ist.
After all, my computer knows what is right for me.
After all, my computer knows what is right for me.
Sie arbeitete mit einem Team aus Computer-Programmierern.
She worked with a team of computer programmers.
She worked with a team of computer programmers.
Computer wissen und verstehen, was richtig für uns ist.
Computers know and understand what is right for us.
Computers know and understand what is right for us.
Ich bin froh, dass mein Computer weiß, was richtig für mich ist.
I am glad my computer knows what is right for me.
I am glad my computer knows what is right for me.
Sie kreierte das Computer-Programm, das ihr heute verwendet.
She created the computer program you are using today.
She created the computer program you are using today.
Ich ergreife diese Chance, um auf meinem Computer Videospiele zu spielen.
I take this opportunity to play video games on my computer.
I take this opportunity to play video games on my computer.
Letzte Woche sagte mir mein Computer, dass ich meine Nachbarin Sara heiraten muss.
Last week, my computer told me I need to marry my neighbor Sara.
Last week, my computer told me I need to marry my neighbor Sara.
Unsere Computer entscheiden auch, was wir essen, und sie bereiten unser Essen vor.
Our computers also decide what we eat and they prepare our food.
Our computers also decide what we eat and they prepare our food.