How to say Confident in Italian?

What does Sicuro mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Confident” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Sicuro”?

Confident is translated in Italian by...

Sicuro (m) / Sicura (f)

Example Sentences in Context.

Figli miei, ero troppo sicuro di me.
Sons, I was being too confident.
Alex non aveva mai voluto allenarsi seriamente perché non si sentiva abbastanza sicuro di sé.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he didn't feel confident enough.
Ma si è allenato molto duramente per settimane e lentamente ha cominciato a diventare più sicuro di sé.
But he trained really hard for weeks and slowly started to become more confident.
Sapeva che poteva essere pericoloso, ma poiché non gli era mai successo nulla, si sentiva un po' troppo sicuro di sé.
He knew it could be dangerous, but since nothing had ever happened to him, he felt a bit too confident.


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