How to say Cookies in German?
What does Kekse mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Cookies is translated in German by...
Die Kekse (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Die Kekse riechen sehr gut.
The cookies smell very good.
The cookies smell very good.
Wir werden viele Kekse stehlen.
We will steal many cookies.
We will steal many cookies.
Du durftest nicht all die Kekse essen.
You weren't allowed to eat all the cookies.
You weren't allowed to eat all the cookies.
Wir benutzen den Ofen, um Kekse zu backen.
We are using the oven to bake cookies.
We are using the oven to bake cookies.
More Example Sentences.
Wir essen unsere Kekse mit einem guten Glas Milch.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Heute hat sie einige köstliche bärenförmige Kekse gebacken.
Today, she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.
Today, she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.
Es gibt nicht viel zu essen da, außer Keksen und Nüssen.
There isn't much to eat, except for cookies and nuts.
There isn't much to eat, except for cookies and nuts.