How to say Cookies in Italian?

What does Biscotti mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Cookies” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Biscotti”?

Cookies is translated in Italian by...

I biscotti (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Noi ruberemo molti biscotti.
We will steal many cookies.
Voi mettete i biscotti nel forno.
You put cookies in the oven.
Sfortunatamente, ho bruciato i biscotti.
Unfortunately, I burned the cookies.
Noi utilizziamo il forno per cuocere i biscotti.
We are using the oven to bake cookies.
Voglio mangiare i biscotti. Voglio mangiarli.
I want to eat the cookies. I want to eat them.

More Example Sentences.

Mangiamo i nostri biscotti con un buon bicchiere di latte.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Oggi ha fatto dei deliziosi biscotti a forma di orso.
Today she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.
Non c'è molto da mangiare, tranne biscotti e noci.
There isn't much to eat, except for cookies and nuts.


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