How to say Cookies in Italian?
What does Biscotti mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Cookies is translated in Italian by...
I biscotti (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Noi ruberemo molti biscotti.
We will steal many cookies.
We will steal many cookies.
Voi mettete i biscotti nel forno.
You put cookies in the oven.
You put cookies in the oven.
Sfortunatamente, ho bruciato i biscotti.
Unfortunately, I burned the cookies.
Unfortunately, I burned the cookies.
Noi utilizziamo il forno per cuocere i biscotti.
We are using the oven to bake cookies.
We are using the oven to bake cookies.
Voglio mangiare i biscotti. Voglio mangiarli.
I want to eat the cookies. I want to eat them.
I want to eat the cookies. I want to eat them.
More Example Sentences.
Mangiamo i nostri biscotti con un buon bicchiere di latte.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Oggi ha fatto dei deliziosi biscotti a forma di orso.
Today she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.
Today she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.
Non c'è molto da mangiare, tranne biscotti e noci.
There isn't much to eat, except for cookies and nuts.
There isn't much to eat, except for cookies and nuts.