How to say Couch in Italian?

What does Divano mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Couch” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Divano”?

Couch is translated in Italian by...

Il divano (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Lei legge una rivista sul divano.
She is reading a magazine on the couch.
Voi vi siederete sul divano per discutere.
You will sit on the couch to discuss.
Noi ci sedevamo sul pavimento perché non avevamo un divano.
We used to sit on the floor because we didn't have a couch.

More Example Sentences.

Il mio nuovo divano è beige.
My new couch is beige.
Il tuo divano è molto comodo e morbido.
Your couch is very comfortable and soft.
Puoi dormire sul divano.
You can sleep on the couch.
Hai aspirato sotto il divano?
Did you vacuum under the couch?
Mia madre sta guardando la tv sul divano.
My mother is watching tv on the couch.


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