How to say Country in German?
What does Land mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Country is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Both armies have left the country.

Once a year, you go to your grandparents' house in the countryside.

In his speech, he talked about the current situation of the country.
More Example Sentences.

I've never seen that in our country.

Noresta is the name of my country since 2107.

Today, I visit the biggest museum in the country.

People are not allowed to travel to another country.

I wonder what it would be like to go to another country.

I like to get lost in the country and discover unknown places.

Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.

He encouraged them to continue fighting and win for their country.

After a year, the war was finally over and his country had won.

The ecologist returned to his country and the news was soon in all the newspapers.

I wish I could get some answers, but I don't speak the language of the country.

The soldier had plans to move to the countryside after returning home to his family.

He had always dreamed of living in a country house surrounded by nature with his loved ones.

His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.