How to say Country in Spanish?

What does País mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Country” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “País”?

Country is translated in Spanish by...

El país (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Habló acerca de la situación actual del país.
He spoke about the current situation of the country.
Cada vez que voy a otro país, aprendo muchísimo.
Every time I go to another country, I learn a lot.

More Example Sentences.

Nunca he visto algo así en nuestro país.
I've never seen that in our country.
Hoy visito el museo más grande del país.
Today, I visit the biggest museum in the country.
Noresta es el nombre de mi país desde el 2107.
Noresta is the name of my country since 2107.
Me pregunto cómo sería ir a otro país.
I wonder what it would be like to go to another country.
Las personas ya no pueden viajar a otro país.
People are not allowed to travel to another country.
No te preocupes, es un país muy seguro para una mujer joven.
Don't worry, it's a very safe country for a young woman.
Los animó a continuar luchando y ganar por su país.
He encouraged them to continue fighting and win for their country.
Ella se enorgullece de mostrarme la belleza de su país natal.
She is proud to show me the beauty of her native country.
Después de un año, la guerra finalmente terminó y su país había ganado.
After a year, the war was finally over and his country had won.
Ojalá pudiera obtener respuesta, pero no hablo el idioma del país.
I wish I could get some answers, but I don't speak the language of the country.
El ecologista regresó a su país y la noticia apareció en todos los periódicos.
The ecologist returned to his country and the news was soon in all the newspapers.
Había dejado a su esposa, a sus dos hijos, y a su madre, para ir a pelear contra un país invasor.
He had left his wife, his two children, and his mother, to go to war against an invading country.
Un soldado que se había inscrito en el ejército para defender su país, echaba mucho de menos a su familia.
A soldier who had enrolled in the army to defend his country, missed his family very much.
Su fama se extendió lentamente por todo el país, y con el tiempo, Mateo se convirtió en un pianista muy famoso.
His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.
Desde ahí, el joven soldado tomó un tren que cruzó el país por doce horas, para finalmente llegar a casa.
From there, the young soldier had to take a train across the country for twelve hours, to finally get home.


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