How to say Dangerous in German?
What does Gefährlich mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Dangerous is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Jener Hai ist gefährlich.
That shark is dangerous.
That shark is dangerous.
Tu das nicht, es ist zu gefährlich.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
Bringe dein Handy mit! Manche Teile dieser Stadt sind gefährlich.
Bring your cellphone with you! Some parts of this city are dangerous.
Bring your cellphone with you! Some parts of this city are dangerous.
More Example Sentences.
Die Welt draußen erschien mir sehr gefährlich.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
Er wusste, dass diese Stürme sehr gefährlich waren.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
Der Wald war nachts ein gefährlicher Ort und sie wussten es.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
Diesen Ausflug zu machen war gefährlich und riskant und sie wussten es.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
Noah fragte Tom: Glaubst du, dass das, was wir tun, gefährlich ist?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?