How to say Dangerous in Italian?
What does Pericoloso mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Dangerous is translated in Italian by...
Pericoloso (m) / Pericolosa (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Sarebbe pericoloso.
It would be dangerous.
It would be dangerous.
Quello squalo è pericoloso.
That shark is dangerous.
That shark is dangerous.
Non farlo, è troppo pericoloso.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
More Example Sentences.
Sta diventando pericoloso.
It's getting dangerous.
It's getting dangerous.
Sapeva che quelle tempeste erano molto pericolose.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
Il mondo esterno mi sembrava molto pericoloso.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
I miei piccoli non possono lasciare la fattoria, è pericoloso!
My babies can't leave the farm, it's dangerous!
My babies can't leave the farm, it's dangerous!
Fare quel viaggio era pericoloso e rischioso e lo sapevano.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
La foresta era un luogo pericoloso di notte e loro lo sapevano.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
Noah ha chiesto a Tom: Pensi che quello che stiamo facendo sia pericoloso?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?
Cambiare sito lo rendeva ancora più pericoloso, perché tutto era meno familiare.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.