How to say Dangerous in Spanish?
What does Peligroso mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Dangerous is translated in Spanish by...
Peligroso (m) / Peligrosa (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
¿Es peligroso?
Is it dangerous?
Is it dangerous?
Usted maneja de manera peligrosa.
You drive dangerously (in a dangerous manner).
You drive dangerously (in a dangerous manner).
No hagas eso, es demasiado peligroso.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
Don't do that, it is too dangerous.
More Example Sentences.
Ya se está volviendo peligroso.
It's getting dangerous.
It's getting dangerous.
Sabía que esas tormentas eran muy peligrosas.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
El mundo exterior me parecía muy peligroso.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
The outside world seemed very dangerous to me.
¡Mis bebés no pueden salir de la finca, es peligroso!
My babies can't leave the farm, it's dangerous!
My babies can't leave the farm, it's dangerous!
Ese viaje era peligroso y arriesgado, y lo sabían.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
Doing that trip was dangerous and risky, and they knew it.
El bosque era un lugar peligroso por la noche y lo sabían.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
The forest was a dangerous place at night and they knew it.
Bory nunca había estado en una situación tan peligrosa y su bote era muy pequeño.
Bory had never been in such a dangerous situation and his boat was very small.
Bory had never been in such a dangerous situation and his boat was very small.
Noah le preguntó a Tom: ¿Crees que lo que estamos haciendo es peligroso?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?
Noah asked Tom: Do you think that what we are doing is dangerous?
Ese desierto era uno de los más peligrosos y menos explorados del mundo.
That desert was one of the most dangerous and least explored in the world.
That desert was one of the most dangerous and least explored in the world.
Cambiar de sitio lo hacía aún más peligroso, ya que no les sería tan familiar.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.
Sabía que podría ser peligroso, pero como nunca le había pasado nada, se sentía confiado.
He knew it could be dangerous, but since nothing had ever happened to him, he felt a bit too confident.
He knew it could be dangerous, but since nothing had ever happened to him, he felt a bit too confident.
Los habitantes de la aldea vecina le habían advertido que no fuera porque podría ser muy peligroso.
The inhabitants of the neighboring village had warned him not to go because it could be very dangerous.
The inhabitants of the neighboring village had warned him not to go because it could be very dangerous.