How to say Dark in German?
What does Dunkel mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Dark is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Es ist dunkel.
It's dark.
It's dark.
Draußen ist es dunkel.
It is dark outside.
It is dark outside.
More Example Sentences.
Es ist viel zu dunkel.
It's way too dark.
It's way too dark.
Der Tag vergeht und es wird dunkel.
The day goes by and it's getting dark.
The day goes by and it's getting dark.
Alles sah dunkel aus und war mit Schmutz bedeckt.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Ihr Vater konnte im Dunkeln sehen und unter Wasser atmen.
Her father could see in the dark and breathe underwater.
Her father could see in the dark and breathe underwater.
Es war dunkel und er konnte das Brüllen des Biests in der Ferne hören.
It was dark and he could hear the beast's roar in the distance.
It was dark and he could hear the beast's roar in the distance.
Es ist vollkommen dunkel und es gibt nicht genug Platz, um danach zu suchen.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.