How to say Dark in Spanish?
What does Oscuro mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Dark is translated in Spanish by...
Oscuro (m) / Oscura (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Está oscuro.
It's dark.
It's dark.
Está oscuro afuera.
It is dark outside.
It is dark outside.
More Example Sentences.
Está demasiado oscuro.
It's way too dark.
It's way too dark.
Todo se veía oscuro y cubierto de polvo.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Su piel era muy oscura debido a las largas horas que pasaba en el mar.
His skin was very dark due to the long hours he spent on the sea.
His skin was very dark due to the long hours he spent on the sea.
Está totalmente oscuro y no hay espacio suficiente para buscarlo.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
Estaba oscuro y podía escuchar el rugido de la bestia a la distancia.
It was dark and he could hear the beast's roar in the distance.
It was dark and he could hear the beast's roar in the distance.
Tenían que cruzar el río y caminar por un área oscura y boscosa. No era para nada seguro.
They had to cross the river and walk through a dark wooded area. This wasn't safe at all.
They had to cross the river and walk through a dark wooded area. This wasn't safe at all.