How to say Daughter in Italian?

What does Figlia mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Daughter” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Figlia”?

Daughter is translated in Italian by...

La figlia (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Stiamo passando la giornata con le nostre figlie.
We are spending the day with our daughters.
Io chiedevo aiuto a mia figlia.
I used to ask my daughter for help.
Lei aiuta sua figlia a vestirsi.
She is helping her daughter to get dressed.
Io parlo con mia figlia al telefono.
I am talking to my daughter on the phone.
Voglio solo sapere come se l'è passata mia figlia oggi.
I just want to know how my daughter was doing today.
Mio figlio ha quattro anni e mia figlia ha due anni.
My boy is four years old and my daughter is two years old.

More Example Sentences.

Le figlie gelose del re.
The king's jealous daughters.
Sua madre era molto felice per sua figlia.
Her mother was very happy for her daughter.
Questa mattina, ho incontrato un uomo e sua figlia.
This morning, I ran into a man and his daughter.
I medici hanno informato il re del grave stato di salute di sua figlia.
The doctors let the king know of his daughter's serious health condition.
La figlia più piccola aveva quindici anni e le altre due diciotto e vent'anni.
The youngest daughter was fifteen years old and the other two were eighteen and twenty.


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