How to say Day in French?
What does Journée mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
La journée (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Bonne journée monsieur. Au revoir.
Have a good day sir. Goodbye.
Have a good day sir. Goodbye.
Quelle belle journée, n'est-ce pas?
What a beautiful day, right?
What a beautiful day, right?
Merci Docteur. Bonne journée.
Thank you Doctor. Have a good day.
Thank you Doctor. Have a good day.
Elle va travailler toute la journée.
She is going to work all day.
She is going to work all day.
C'est ma première journée de travail.
This is my first day of work.
This is my first day of work.
Non, ça va. Bonne journée monsieur.
No, that's fine. Have a good day sir.
No, that's fine. Have a good day sir.
Vous avez pensé à ça toute la journée.
You thought about that all day.
You thought about that all day.
Il a lancé le disque toute la journée.
He threw the disc all day long.
He threw the disc all day long.
Bonjour! Belle journée, n'est-ce pas?
Good morning! Beautiful day, isn't it?
Good morning! Beautiful day, isn't it?
Je veux savoir comment s'est passée ta journée.
I want to know how your day went.
I want to know how your day went.
Il a été de mauvaise humeur toute la journée.
He has been in a bad mood all day.
He has been in a bad mood all day.
Nous nous souvenons très bien de cette journée.
We remember that day very well.
We remember that day very well.
Ils ont pris une journée de congé pour se reposer.
They took a day off to rest.
They took a day off to rest.
Nous avons chanté sur la plage toute la journée.
We sang on the beach all day.
We sang on the beach all day.
Vous avez nagé dans la piscine toute la journée.
You swam in the pool all day.
You swam in the pool all day.
Nous avons joué dans la piscine toute la journée.
We played in the pool all day.
We played in the pool all day.
Elles ont regardé la télévision toute la journée.
They watched television all day.
They watched television all day.
Ils vont vouloir faire du kayak toute la journée.
They are going to want to kayak all day.
They are going to want to kayak all day.
Hé Francis! Comment s'est passée ta journée au travail?
Hey Francis! How was your day at work?
Hey Francis! How was your day at work?
Salut Camille! Comment s'est passée ta journée à l'école?
Hi Camille! How was your day at school?
Hi Camille! How was your day at school?
Il se repose après une longue journée de travail.
He is resting after a long day of work.
He is resting after a long day of work.
Nous avons ri toute la journée, Paul est vraiment drôle.
We laughed all day, Paul is very funny.
We laughed all day, Paul is very funny.
Nous passons la journée avec nos petits-enfants.
We are spending the day with our grandchildren.
We are spending the day with our grandchildren.
Je danserais avec toi toute la journée si je le pouvais.
I would dance with you all day if I could.
I would dance with you all day if I could.
Il est arrivé chez lui après une longue journée de travail.
He arrived home after a long day of work.
He arrived home after a long day of work.