How to say Deep in German?
What does Tief mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Deep is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ist das Wasser tief genug, um zu tauchen?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Ja, es ist sehr tiefgehend. Der Künstler hat versucht, seine Emotionen auszudrücken.
Yes, it is very deep. The artist was trying to express his emotions.
Yes, it is very deep. The artist was trying to express his emotions.
More Example Sentences.
Ich nehme einen tiefen Atemzug.
I take a deep breath.
I take a deep breath.
Sie wusste tief in ihrem Herzen, dass er mit jenen Schuhen nicht verlieren konnte.
She knew deep down in her heart that he couldn't lose with those shoes.
She knew deep down in her heart that he couldn't lose with those shoes.
Trotz dieser Strategie wusste er tief in seinem Herzen, dass es nicht genug sein würde, um seine Rivalen zu zügeln.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.