How to say Deep in Italian?
What does Profondo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Deep is translated in Italian by...
Profondo (m) / Profonda (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
L'acqua è abbastanza profonda per tuffarsi?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Sì, è molto profondo. L'artista stava cercando di esprimere le sue emozioni.
Yes, it is very deep. The artist was trying to express his emotions.
Yes, it is very deep. The artist was trying to express his emotions.
More Example Sentences.
Faccio un respiro profondo.
I take a deep breath.
I take a deep breath.
Nonostante questa strategia, nel profondo del suo cuore sapeva che non era abbastanza per contenere i suoi rivali.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.