How to say Desk in Italian?

What does Scrivania mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Desk” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Scrivania”?

Desk is translated in Italian by...

La scrivania (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

La lettera è sulla scrivania.
The letter is on the desk.
Lui dormiva alla sua scrivania perché lavorava troppo.
He used to sleep at his desk because he worked too much.

More Example Sentences.

L'ho lasciato alla mia scrivania?
Did I leave it at my desk?
Ha fatto scivolare una piccola scrivania tra i due ragazzi.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
Ha poi messo l'oggetto che aveva costruito sulla scrivania tra di loro.
She then placed the object she had made on the desk between them.


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