How to say Desk in Spanish?
What does Escritorio mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Desk is translated in Spanish by...
El escritorio (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La carta está sobre el escritorio.
The letter is on the desk.
The letter is on the desk.
Él dormía en su escritorio porque trabajaba mucho.
He used to sleep at his desk because he worked too much.
He used to sleep at his desk because he worked too much.
More Example Sentences.
¿Lo dejé en mi escritorio?
Did I leave it at my desk?
Did I leave it at my desk?
Deslizó un pequeño escritorio entre los dos.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
She slid a small desk between the two boys.
Luego colocó el objeto que había hecho sobre el escritorio entre ellos.
She then placed the object she had made on the desk between them.
She then placed the object she had made on the desk between them.