How to say Dessert in Spanish?

What does Postre mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Dessert” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Postre”?

Dessert is translated in Spanish by...

El postre (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

De acuerdo. ¿Desea un postre?
Alright. Do you want a dessert?
De acuerdo. Dos churros como postre.
Okay. Two churros for dessert.
Ahora puedes comer tu postre.
Now you can eat your dessert.
A ellos les encantó el postre del restaurante.
They loved the dessert at the restaurant.
Sí. Estaba muy bueno. El postre estaba delicioso.
Yes. It was very good. The dessert was delicious.

More Example Sentences.

Mi abuela también hornea deliciosos postres todas las tardes.
My grandmother also bakes delicious desserts every afternoon.


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