How to say Different in Italian?
What does Diverso mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Different is translated in Italian by...
Diverso (m) / Diversa (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Un ombrello è diverso dall'altro.
One umbrella is different from the others.
One umbrella is different from the others.
Faccio un sacco di cose diverse!
I do lots of different things!
I do lots of different things!
È semplicemente diverso.
It's just different.
It's just different.
Perché veniamo da paesi diversi.
Because we all come from different countries.
Because we all come from different countries.
È perché pronunciano le lettere in modo diverso.
It is because they pronounce the letters differently.
It is because they pronounce the letters differently.
More Example Sentences.
Mi insegna tante cose diverse.
She teaches me so many different things.
She teaches me so many different things.
Pensiamo costantemente a cose diverse.
We are constantly thinking about different things.
We are constantly thinking about different things.
Posso scegliere tra tre diversi panini.
I have the choice of three different sandwiches.
I have the choice of three different sandwiches.
Sembrava che avessero sempre opinioni diverse.
It seemed like they always had different opinions.
It seemed like they always had different opinions.
Gli eventi ci costringono a prendere una strada diversa.
The events force us to take a different path.
The events force us to take a different path.
Ci sono molti uccelli diversi che entrano nel cortile.
There are lots of different birds coming into the yard.
There are lots of different birds coming into the yard.
Mi piace giocare con i colori e testare trame diverse.
I love playing with colors and testing different textures.
I love playing with colors and testing different textures.
Mio padre voleva che facessi qualcosa di diverso.
My father wanted me to do something different.
My father wanted me to do something different.
Sarà un ambiente di lavoro completamente diverso.
It will be a completely different work environment.
It will be a completely different work environment.
Cosa sarei senza Internet? Una persona molto diversa, suppongo...
What would I be without the internet? Someone very different, I guess...
What would I be without the internet? Someone very different, I guess...
Non sei più un bambino. Vedrai, la scuola è molto diversa dall'asilo.
You're not a baby anymore. You'll see, school is very different from daycare.
You're not a baby anymore. You'll see, school is very different from daycare.
Max era diverso, aveva voti migliori ed era più ordinato.
Max was different, he got better grades and was neater.
Max was different, he got better grades and was neater.
Non si sarebbero sentiti a loro agio in un ambiente così diverso.
They wouldn't feel comfortable in such a different environment.
They wouldn't feel comfortable in such a different environment.
Nolan si è reso subito conto che l'oggetto era di un colore diverso.
Nolan quickly realized that the object was a different color.
Nolan quickly realized that the object was a different color.
Hanno imparato che avere un punto di vista diverso cambia tutto.
They learned that having a different point of view changes everything.
They learned that having a different point of view changes everything.