How to say Difficult in French?
What does Difficile mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Difficult is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

It's not that difficult.

It's difficult to do.

It seems that my work is not as difficult as yours.

Learning a language is sometimes difficult, but it is well worth it.
More Example Sentences.

Times were difficult.

He knew it would be difficult.

Why is it so difficult to talk to her?

Initially, it was very difficult for Jim.

But it's difficult to control our thoughts.

There will also be some difficult times at school.

I try to move like I can, but it's very difficult.

Sometimes, we have to face difficult events in life.

They understand how difficult it is for an owner to lose his dog.

For example, it was much more difficult to travel before the internet.