How to say Difficult in German?
What does Schwierig mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Difficult is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
So schwierig ist es nicht.
It's not that difficult.
It's not that difficult.
Es ist schwierig, auf das Eis zu klettern.
It is difficult to climb on the ice.
It is difficult to climb on the ice.
Meine Arbeit ist anscheinend nicht so schwierig wie deine.
My work does not seem to be as difficult as yours.
My work does not seem to be as difficult as yours.
Eine Sprache zu lernen, ist manchmal schwierig, aber es lohnt sich.
Learning a language is sometimes difficult, but it is worth it.
Learning a language is sometimes difficult, but it is worth it.
More Example Sentences.
Ursprünglich war es sehr schwierig für Jim gewesen.
Initially, it was very difficult for Jim.
Initially, it was very difficult for Jim.
Es wird auch so manch schwierige Zeiten in der Schule geben.
There will also be many difficult times in school.
There will also be many difficult times in school.
Manchmal müssen wir schwierigen Ereignissen im Leben gegenübertreten.
Sometimes, we have to face difficult events in life.
Sometimes, we have to face difficult events in life.
Sie verstehen, wie schwierig es für einen Besitzer ist, seinen Hund zu verlieren.
They understand how difficult it is for an owner to lose his dog.
They understand how difficult it is for an owner to lose his dog.
Dies ist nicht die schwierigste Wanderung, aber es gibt viele Wurzeln und Felsen auf dem Weg.
This is not the most difficult hike, but there are many roots and rocks in the trail.
This is not the most difficult hike, but there are many roots and rocks in the trail.