How to say Dinner in Italian?
What does Cena mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Dinner is translated in Italian by...
La cena (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La cena è quasi pronta.
Dinner is almost ready.
Dinner is almost ready.
Preparo la cena per voi.
I am making dinner for you.
I am making dinner for you.
Vorrei del riso per cena.
I would like some rice for dinner.
I would like some rice for dinner.
Noi dobbiamo preparare la cena.
We have to prepare dinner.
We have to prepare dinner.
Cosa vuoi da mangiare per la cena?
What do you want to eat for dinner?
What do you want to eat for dinner?
Io finivo di preparare la cena.
I was finishing preparing dinner.
I was finishing preparing dinner.
Io comprerò i pomodori per la cena.
I will buy the tomatoes for dinner.
I will buy the tomatoes for dinner.
Loro ci hanno servito una ottima cena.
They served us a great dinner.
They served us a great dinner.
Mangiare: Non mangiare troppi dolci prima di cena.
Don't eat too much candy before dinner.
Don't eat too much candy before dinner.
Tu stai preparando un pasto molto buono per la cena.
You are preparing a very good meal for dinner.
You are preparing a very good meal for dinner.
Loro sono grati che tu cucini la cena per loro.
They are grateful that you cook dinner for them.
They are grateful that you cook dinner for them.