How to say Dog in German?
What does Hund mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Your dog is beautiful.

Your dog is very smart.

I see the fast dog.

I see a fast dog.

You have a beautiful dog.

This dog is very big.

They are playing with a dog.

There is a dog in the house.

My dog has a lot of energy.

I have a cat and a dog.

I was allowed to pet her dog.

The dog runs around the vehicle.

The dog sits on the carpet.

He liked dogs more than cats.

Yes, I have a dog and a snake.

She loves to play with her dog.

My dog likes to run in the water.

My dog was bringing me a tree branch.

My dog would bite to protect us.

They have always wanted to have a big dog.

His parents go to the park with their dog.

The dog was smelling the chicken on the counter.

You were going for a walk with your dog every day.

I have lived alone with my dog for two years.

My dogs run away if they are not on a leash.