How to say Dog in Italian?
What does Cane mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Il cane (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Il cane è nero.
The dog is black.
The dog is black.
Non crede che io abbia paura dei cani.
He doesn't believe that I fear dogs.
He doesn't believe that I fear dogs.
Sì, ho un cane e un serpente.
Yes, I have a dog and a snake.
Yes, I have a dog and a snake.
Mi piacciono i cani, però non mi piacciono i gatti.
I like dogs, but I don't like cats.
I like dogs, but I don't like cats.
Il mio cane mangia qualsiasi cosa.
My dog eats anything.
My dog eats anything.
Lei ama giocare con il suo cane.
She loves to play with her dog.
She loves to play with her dog.
Il cane sta accanto all'albero.
The dog is beside the tree.
The dog is beside the tree.
Il tuo cane è molto intelligente.
Your dog is very intelligent.
Your dog is very intelligent.
Il mio cane ha un sacco di energia.
My dog has a lot of energy.
My dog has a lot of energy.
Aspetta! Devo legare il cane.
Wait! I have to tie (tether) my dog.
Wait! I have to tie (tether) my dog.
Il cane è stato investito da un autobus.
The dog got hit by a bus.
The dog got hit by a bus.
Il mio cane morderebbe per proteggerci.
My dog would bite to protect us.
My dog would bite to protect us.
Il mio cane ama correre sul bordo dell'acqua.
My dog likes to run by the water.
My dog likes to run by the water.
Il mio cane mi portava un ramo d'albero.
My dog was bringing me a tree branch.
My dog was bringing me a tree branch.
Il mio cane è nero e il vostro è bianco.
My dog is black and yours is white.
My dog is black and yours is white.
Loro hanno sempre voluto un grosso cane.
They have always wanted to have a big dog.
They have always wanted to have a big dog.
Tu camminavi con il tuo cane ogni giorno.
You used to walk with your dog every day.
You used to walk with your dog every day.
Potresti perdere il tuo cane se non lo tieni.
You could lose your dog if you don't restrain it.
You could lose your dog if you don't restrain it.
Loro hanno amato sia il loro gatto che il loro cane.
They loved both their cat and their dog.
They loved both their cat and their dog.
Il cane raduna le pecore. Esso le raduna.
The dog is herding the sheep. It is herding them.
The dog is herding the sheep. It is herding them.
Io ho vissuto da sola con il mio cane per due anni.
I have lived alone with my dog for two years.
I have lived alone with my dog for two years.
Tu daresti un bocconcino al tuo cane se si sedesse.
You would give the treat to your dog if he sat down.
You would give the treat to your dog if he sat down.