How to say Donkey in French?
What does Âne mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Donkey is translated in French by...

Example Sentences in Context.

The champion donkey.

Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.

I also have a little donkey who follows me everywhere.

The little donkey had always been loyal to Don Manuel.

The little donkey was surprised, but brayed with happiness.

People shouted: Get that donkey out of here, he can't compete!

It was a 1000-meter race and Billy the little donkey was last.

After all, it was a competition for thoroughbred horses, not for donkeys.

Finally, they decided to let the donkey compete, because they had nothing to lose.

The competition began and nobody had bet on the little donkey, except for Don Manuel.

Don Manuel replied: Of course I'm sure, he's always been a strong and fast donkey.

Upon hearing his owner's voice, the little donkey started running with all his might.

Don Manuel was jumping with joy, for the little donkey had won a fortune and a gold trophy.

Among these animals was Billy, a donkey that Don Manuel had acquired through an auction.

Everyone at the racetrack was completely speechless when they saw the donkey win the race.

Don Manuel called his friend and asked: Do you think Billy, my little donkey, can compete?