How to say Door in Spanish?

What does Puerta mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Door” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Puerta”?

Door is translated in Spanish by...

La puerta (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Usted dejó el cartel en la puerta...
You left the sign on the door...
Él le abrirá la puerta del auto a ella.
He will open the car door for her.
Si la puerta no estuviera cerrada, la abriría.
If the door weren't locked, I would open it.
Si pudiera abrir la puerta, robaría el auto.
If I could open the door, I would steal the car.
Ella cerrará la puerta de su habitación en el hotel.
She will close the door of her hotel roon.
Usted cerraba con llave las puertas de su auto.
You were closing and locking the doors of your car.

More Example Sentences.

Él abre la puerta: ¡Ey, amigo!
He's the one who opens the door: Hey, buddy!
Ella abrió la puerta y vio a su esposo.
She opened the door and saw her husband.
Creo que pondré otro candado en la puerta.
I think I will put another lock on the front door.
Las puertas se cierran y el elevador comienza a subir.
The doors close and the elevator starts going up.
Pero después de unos veinte minutos, las puertas se abren.
But after about twenty minutes, the doors prop open.
Llego frente a su chalet y llamo a la puerta: ¡Samuel!
I arrive in front of his chalet and knock on the door: Samuel!
Abro la puerta, entro, dejo mis cosas, y me acomodo en la cama.
I open the door, I enter, I pack my things and I settle comfortably in my bed.
Llegó a casa y llamó a la puerta. Escuchó a su esposa gritar: ¿Quién es?
He came home and knocked on the door. He heard his wife yelling: Who is it?
Los niños y la madre del soldado corrieron hacia la puerta para abrazarlos también.
The children and the soldier's mother ran to the door to hug them as well.
Bloquearon la puerta y cubrieron la entrada con una mesa, para que el oso no pudiera entrar a la cabaña.
They blocked the door and covered the entrance with a table, so that the bear couldn't easily enter the cabin.


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