How to say Driver in Spanish?
What does Conductor mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Driver is translated in Spanish by...
El conductor (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Sí, seré el conductor.
Yes, I will be the driver.
Yes, I will be the driver.
More Example Sentences.
¡El conductor me entiende!
The driver understands me!
The driver understands me!
Me alegra ver que el conductor está dispuesto a ayudarme.
I'm glad to see the driver is willing to help me.
I'm glad to see the driver is willing to help me.
Tomo el primer taxi y le pido al conductor que vaya rápido.
I take the first taxi and I ask the driver to make it quick.
I take the first taxi and I ask the driver to make it quick.