How to say Early in French?
What does Tôt mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Early is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Je suis arrivé tôt.
I arrived early.
I arrived early.
Je dois me réveiller tôt.
I have to wake up early.
I have to wake up early.
Tu t'es couchée très tôt.
You went to bed very early.
You went to bed very early.
Il se réveille très tôt.
He wakes (himself) up very early.
He wakes (himself) up very early.
Vous partiez du travail très tôt.
You used to leave work very early.
You used to leave work very early.
J'ai dû me réveiller tôt ce matin.
I had to wake up early this morning.
I had to wake up early this morning.
Elle va courir tôt le matin.
She goes running early in the morning.
She goes running early in the morning.
D'accord. C'est un peu tôt, mais ça me va.
Okay. It's a little early, but it's okay with me.
Okay. It's a little early, but it's okay with me.
Je suggère que nous partions très tôt demain.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
Il arrivait tôt et l'attendait avec des fleurs.
He used to arrive early and wait for her with flowers.
He used to arrive early and wait for her with flowers.
More Example Sentences.
Je pars très tôt le matin.
I leave very early in the morning.
I leave very early in the morning.
Moi qui pensait me coucher tôt.
I thought I'd go to bed early.
I thought I'd go to bed early.