How to say Early in Italian?

What does Presto mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Early” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Presto”?

Early is translated in Italian by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Io devo svegliarmi presto.
I have to wake up early.
Lei corre la mattina presto.
She goes running early in the morning.
Lei lasciava il lavoro molto presto.
You used to leave work very early.
Io ho dovuto svegliarmi presto questa mattina.
I had to wake up early this morning.
Bene. È un po' presto, ma va bene così.
Okay. It's a little early, but it's okay with me.
Tu sei andato a letto molto presto ieri sera.
You went to bed very early last night.
Suggerisco che (loro) partiamo molto presto domani.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
Lui arrivava presto e l'aspettava con dei fiori.
He used to arrive early and wait for her with flowers.

More Example Sentences.

Pensavo di andare a letto presto.
I thought I'd go to bed early.
Parto molto presto di mattina.
I leave very early in the morning.


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