How to say Early in Spanish?

What does Temprano mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Early” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Temprano”?

Early is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tengo que levantarme temprano.
I have to wake up early.
Anoche te acostaste muy temprano.
You went to bed very early last night.
Usted se iba del trabajo muy temprano.
You used to leave work very early.
Tuve que levantarme temprano esta mañana.
I had to wake up early this morning.
Ella va a correr temprano por la mañana.
She goes running early in the morning.
De acuerdo. Es un poco temprano, pero me conviene.
Okay. It's a little early, but it's okay with me.
Sugiero que (nosotros) salgamos muy temprano mañana.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
Él llegaba temprano y la esperaba con un ramo de flores.
He used to arrive early and wait for her with flowers.

More Example Sentences.

Me voy temprano en la mañana.
I leave very early in the morning.
Pensé que me iría a la cama temprano.
I thought I'd go to bed early.


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