How to say Earth in French?

What does Terre mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Earth” in French? What is the meaning of “Terre”?

Earth is translated in French by...

La terre (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

La terre sèche est rude.
The dry earth is rough.

More Example Sentences.

Soudain, j'entends un bruit qui fait trembler la terre.
Suddenly, I hear a noise that makes the earth tremble.
Comme ça, je pourrai parler à tous les êtres humains de la Terre!
That way, I'll be able to talk to all human beings on Earth!
Il y a plusieurs siècles, les habitants de la terre vivaient des vies un peu solitaires.
Many centuries ago, earth's inhabitants lived somewhat lonely lives.
Ces dessins semblaient expliquer comment utiliser les minéraux de la terre pour créer des potions de guérison.
Those drawings seemed to explain how to use the earth's minerals to create healing potions.


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