How to say Earth in Spanish?
What does Tierra mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Earth is translated in Spanish by...
La tierra (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La tierra seca es rugosa.
The dry earth is rough.
The dry earth is rough.
More Example Sentences.
Podrías convertirte en el mejor terapeuta de la tierra.
You could become the best therapist on earth.
You could become the best therapist on earth.
De repente, escucho un ruido que hace temblar la tierra.
Suddenly, I hear a noise that makes the earth tremble.
Suddenly, I hear a noise that makes the earth tremble.
Hace muchos siglos, los habitantes de la tierra vivían unas vidas un tanto solitarias.
Many centuries ago, earth's inhabitants lived somewhat lonely lives.
Many centuries ago, earth's inhabitants lived somewhat lonely lives.
Esos dibujos parecían explicar cómo usar los minerales de la tierra para crear pociones curativas.
Those drawings seemed to explain how to use the earth's minerals to create healing potions.
Those drawings seemed to explain how to use the earth's minerals to create healing potions.