How to say Easy in German?
What does Einfach mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Easy is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Die Prüfung war einfach.
That exam was easy.
That exam was easy.
Natürlich. Aber es war nicht einfach.
Of course. But it wasn't easy.
Of course. But it wasn't easy.
Deutsch ist nicht immer einfach zu lernen, aber es ist eine wunderschöne Sprache.
Learning German is not always easy, but it is a beautiful language.
Learning German is not always easy, but it is a beautiful language.
Du kannst versuchen, ein einfaches Buch zu lesen, eines mit leicht zu verstehenden Wörtern.
You can try reading a simple book, one with words that are easy to understand.
You can try reading a simple book, one with words that are easy to understand.
More Example Sentences.
Jetzt ist es so einfach, eine Reise zu organisieren.
Now, it's so easy to organize a trip.
Now, it's so easy to organize a trip.
Es ist nicht einfach, aber ich schaffe es, verstanden zu werden.
It's not easy, but I manage to be understood.
It's not easy, but I manage to be understood.
Es ist einfach, Kontakt mit Familie und Freunden zu halten.
It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends.
It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends.
Es ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit, aber es ist nicht einfach für mich.
It's a golden opportunity, but it's not easy for me.
It's a golden opportunity, but it's not easy for me.
Zu dieser Zeit war es nicht einfach, eine Krankheit zu erkennen und alles war sehr plötzlich passiert.
At that time, it wasn't easy to detect an illness and everything had happened very suddenly.
At that time, it wasn't easy to detect an illness and everything had happened very suddenly.