How to say Easy in Italian?
What does Facile mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Easy is translated in Italian by...
Facile (m) / Facile (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Quell'esame era facile.
That exam was easy.
That exam was easy.
Certo. Ma non è stato facile.
Of course. But it wasn't easy.
Of course. But it wasn't easy.
Puoi provare a leggere un libro semplice, uno con parole facili da capire.
You can try reading a simple book, one with words that are easy to understand.
You can try reading a simple book, one with words that are easy to understand.
More Example Sentences.
Ora è molto facile organizzare un viaggio.
Now it's so easy to organize a trip.
Now it's so easy to organize a trip.
Non è facile, ma riesco a farmi capire.
It's not easy, but I manage to be understood.
It's not easy, but I manage to be understood.
È facile perdere molto tempo con cose inutili.
It's easy to waste a lot of time with useless stuff.
It's easy to waste a lot of time with useless stuff.
È facile concentrarsi sugli aspetti negativi della vita.
It's easy to focus on the negative parts of life.
It's easy to focus on the negative parts of life.
Questa è una grande opportunità, ma non è facile per me.
It's a golden opportunity, but it's not easy for me.
It's a golden opportunity, but it's not easy for me.
È facile rimanere in contatto con la famiglia e gli amici.
It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends.
It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends.
Aveva sempre trovato facile imparare le lingue straniere.
She had always found it easy to learn foreign languages.
She had always found it easy to learn foreign languages.
Spero che la scuola sarà facile per te, ma che troverai anche delle sfide.
I hope that school will be easy for you, but that you will also be challenged.
I hope that school will be easy for you, but that you will also be challenged.