How to say Enough in Italian?
What does Abbastanza mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Enough is translated in Italian by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Io ho abbastanza acqua per oggi.
I have enough water for today.
I have enough water for today.
Era abbastanza calda. Mi sono divertita.
It was warm enough! I had a great time!
It was warm enough! I had a great time!
Neanche il cavallo è abbastanza forte.
The horse is not strong enough either.
The horse is not strong enough either.
L'acqua è abbastanza profonda per tuffarsi?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Is the water deep enough to dive?
Non sono sicuri che noi apprezziamo abbastanza i loro sforzi.
They are not sure that we appreciate their efforts enough.
They are not sure that we appreciate their efforts enough.
Voi condividereste il vostro cibo con gli altri, ma non ne avete abbastanza.
You would share your food with others, but you don't have enough.
You would share your food with others, but you don't have enough.
Sì, grazie. Può guardare anche le gomme? Penso di non avere abbastanza aria.
Yes, please. Can you also look at the tires? I think they don't have enough air.
Yes, please. Can you also look at the tires? I think they don't have enough air.
Tu offrivi loro il tuo aiuto, ma adesso sono abbastanza grandi da fare i compiti da soli.
You used to offer them your help, but now they are old enough to do their homework alone.
You used to offer them your help, but now they are old enough to do their homework alone.
More Example Sentences.
Non era abbastanza.
It wasn't enough.
It wasn't enough.
Non è ancora abbastanza grande per andare a scuola.
She's not old enough to go to school yet.
She's not old enough to go to school yet.
Ce n'è abbastanza per tenersi occupati per settimane!
There's enough to keep you busy for weeks!
There's enough to keep you busy for weeks!
Sono abbastanza fortunato da riuscire a vivere grazie ad essa.
I'm fortunate enough to make a living from it.
I'm fortunate enough to make a living from it.
Lily e Arlo non ne avevano mai abbastanza l'uno dell'altra.
Lily and Arlo couldn't get enough of each other.
Lily and Arlo couldn't get enough of each other.
Ne aveva abbastanza e aveva bisogno di un cambio di scenario.
She had had enough and needed a change of scenery.
She had had enough and needed a change of scenery.
È completamente buio e non c'è abbastanza spazio per cercarlo.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
Quando ha ripreso coscienza, non era abbastanza forte per alzarsi in piedi.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.
Ha rallentato la sua caduta abbastanza da evitare una tragedia, ma è comunque ferito.
He slowed his fall down enough to avoid a tragedy, but he is still injured.
He slowed his fall down enough to avoid a tragedy, but he is still injured.
Alex non aveva mai voluto allenarsi seriamente perché non si sentiva abbastanza sicuro di sé.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he didn't feel confident enough.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he didn't feel confident enough.
Nonostante questa strategia, nel profondo del suo cuore sapeva che non era abbastanza per contenere i suoi rivali.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.