How to say Enough in Spanish?

What does Suficiente mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Enough” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Suficiente”?

Enough is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tengo suficiente agua para el día de hoy.
I have enough water for today.
¡Debe haber suficiente para ir y llenar el tanque!
It should be enough to go fill up!
No pienso que nosotros apreciemos sus esfuerzos lo suficiente.
I don't think that we appreciate his efforts enough.
Ustedes compartirían su comida con los demás, pero no tienen suficiente.
You would share your food with others, but you don't have enough.
Tú les ofrecías tu ayuda, pero ahora tienen la edad suficiente como para hacer sus tareas solos.
You used to offer them your help, but now they are old enough to do their homework alone.

More Example Sentences.

Esperemos que sea suficiente.
Let's hope that's enough.
¡Hay suficiente para mantenerte ocupado por semanas!
There's enough to keep you busy for weeks!
Ya había tenido suficiente y necesitaba un cambio.
She had had enough and needed a change of scenery.
Sabía que nunca sería suficiente para ganar la carrera.
He knew that it would never be enough to win the race.
Su trabajo era muy monótono y apenas era suficiente para vivir.
Their work was very monotonous and was barely enough to live on.
Está totalmente oscuro y no hay espacio suficiente para buscarlo.
It's completely dark and there isn't enough room to look for it.
No es muy grande ni muy limpio, pero será suficiente para esta noche.
It is not very big nor very clean, but it will be enough for tonight.
Cuando recuperó la conciencia, no tenía la suficiente fuerza como para levantarse.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.
Alex nunca había querido entrenar en serio porque no tenía suficiente confianza.
Alex had never wanted to train seriously because he wasn't confident enough.
Ralentizó su caída lo suficiente como para evitar una tragedia, pero aun así está herido.
He slowed his fall down enough to avoid a tragedy, but he is still injured.
Sin embargo, sabía que aún no sería suficiente si realmente quería ganar el torneo.
However, he knew that it still wouldn't be enough if he really wanted to win the tournament.
A pesar de esa estrategia, en el fondo de su corazón, sabía que no sería suficiente para contener a sus rivales.
Despite this strategy, deep in his heart he knew that it wouldn't be enough to contain his rivals.


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