How to say Europe in German?

What does Europa mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Europe” in German? What is the meaning of “Europa”?

Europe is translated in German by...

Europa (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Wann fahren Sie nach Europa?
When are you going to Europe?
Bist du jemals nach Europa gereist?
Have you ever (at least once) traveled to Europe?
Ich werde nach Europa fahren, wenn ich genug Geld habe.
I will go to Europe once I have enough money.

More Example Sentences.

Sie hatte gehört, dass Europa viele Sprachen hatte.
She had heard that Europe had many languages.
Sie verbrachte zwei Monate, in denen sie durch Europa reiste.
She spent two months traveling through Europe.


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