How to say Evening in French?
What does Soir mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Evening is translated in French by...
Le soir (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
C'était très agréable ce soir.
It was very pleasant this evening.
It was very pleasant this evening.
D'accord. Je te vois ce soir?
Okay. I'll see you this evening?
Okay. I'll see you this evening?
Tu es très belle ce soir.
You're very beautiful this evening.
You're very beautiful this evening.
Nous sortirons tard ce soir.
We will go out late this evening.
We will go out late this evening.
Elle restera à la maison ce soir.
She will stay home this evening.
She will stay home this evening.
More Example Sentences.
Le deuxième soir, je recroise la jeune femme que j'avais rencontrée dans le hall de l'hôtel.
The second evening, I cross path with the young woman I had met in the hotel lobby.
The second evening, I cross path with the young woman I had met in the hotel lobby.