How to say Everyone in French?
What does Tout le monde mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Everyone is translated in French by...
Tout le monde
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ça arrive à tout le monde!
It happens to everyone!
It happens to everyone!
Tout le monde aime l'été.
Everyone loves summer.
Everyone loves summer.
Tout le monde m'accusait aujourd'hui!
Everyone was accusing me today!
Everyone was accusing me today!
Vraiment? Tout le monde revient le dimanche?
Really? Everyone comes back on Sunday?
Really? Everyone comes back on Sunday?
Tu es plus petit que tout le monde.
You are shorter than everyone.
You are shorter than everyone.
Oui, la manière normale. La façon dont tout le monde parle.
Yes, the normal way. The way everyone speaks.
Yes, the normal way. The way everyone speaks.
Mais tout le monde parle différemment, parce qu'on est tous différents.
But everyone speaks differently, because we are all different.
But everyone speaks differently, because we are all different.
More Example Sentences.
Bonjour tout le monde!
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
Elle était gentille avec tout le monde.
She was nice to everyone.
She was nice to everyone.
Tout le monde évitait leur compagnie.
Everyone avoided their company.
Everyone avoided their company.
Tout le monde me verrait voler à travers le ciel.
Everyone would see me flying through the sky.
Everyone would see me flying through the sky.
Tout le monde appréciait son honnêteté et son grand charisme.
Everyone valued her honesty and great charisma.
Everyone valued her honesty and great charisma.
J'espère surprendre tout le monde au bureau avec mes compétences.
I hope to surprise everyone in the office with my skills.
I hope to surprise everyone in the office with my skills.
Peux-tu imaginer entendre les pensées de tout le monde en même temps?
Can you imagine hearing everyone's thoughts at the same time?
Can you imagine hearing everyone's thoughts at the same time?
Tout le monde a passé la nuit sur l'île en attendant le lever du soleil.
Everyone spent the night on the island waiting for sunrise.
Everyone spent the night on the island waiting for sunrise.
Tout le monde a appris la leçon et ils ont vécu heureux et en harmonie.
Everyone learned the lesson and they lived happily and in harmony.
Everyone learned the lesson and they lived happily and in harmony.
Quand ils sont arrivés à l'hippodrome, tout le monde regardait l'âne avec moquerie.
When they arrived at the racetrack, everyone watched the donkey in mockery.
When they arrived at the racetrack, everyone watched the donkey in mockery.
Il y avait très peu d'habitants sur la rive de la rivière, donc tout le monde se connaissait.
There were very few inhabitants on the river's bank, so everyone knew each other.
There were very few inhabitants on the river's bank, so everyone knew each other.
Tout le monde parlait de sa capacité à courir incroyablement vite tout en évitant les obstacles.
Everyone talked about his ability to run incredibly fast while avoiding obstacles.
Everyone talked about his ability to run incredibly fast while avoiding obstacles.
Il faisait presque nuit et tout le monde avait peur des dangers cachés dans ce terrible désert.
It was almost nightfall and everyone was afraid of the dangers hidden in that terrible desert.
It was almost nightfall and everyone was afraid of the dangers hidden in that terrible desert.
Tout le monde à l'hippodrome était complètement bouche bée quand ils ont vu l'âne gagner la course.
Everyone at the racetrack was completely speechless when they saw the donkey win the race.
Everyone at the racetrack was completely speechless when they saw the donkey win the race.
L'arbitre a arrêté le combat et tout le monde était bouche bée en voyant Alex perdre si rapidement.
The referee stopped the fight and everyone was speechless upon seeing Alex lose so rapidly.
The referee stopped the fight and everyone was speechless upon seeing Alex lose so rapidly.
Tout le monde dans le village l'aimait beaucoup et commentait souvent combien elle était belle et charmante.
Everyone in the village loved her and often commented on how beautiful and charming she was.
Everyone in the village loved her and often commented on how beautiful and charming she was.
Dans le village, tout le monde avait remarqué l'absence de Bory et pensait que la tempête l'avait peut-être tué.
In the village, everyone noticed Bory's absence and thought that perhaps the storm had killed him.
In the village, everyone noticed Bory's absence and thought that perhaps the storm had killed him.